class in UnityEngine.UI.iMenu / Inherits from:INavigator
This component will allow you to easily handle menu switching with a small amount of code or even without any code.
playAutomatically Does it play automatically for openinnig the first page?
pageDatas Pages of the All you want to navigate.
Public Functions
AddPageData Add a page to the navigator.
HavePageInNavigator Whether the page is already in the navigator.
RemovePageData Remove a page data from the navigator.
OpenFirstPage Open and execute the first page.
CloseActivityPages Close all active pages.
AddOnExchangeListener Add listener of the page exchange event.
AddOnExchangeFinishedListener Add listener of the page finishes exchange event.
RemoveOnExchangeListener Remove the "OnExchange" listeners.
RemoveOnExchangeFinishedListener Remove the "OnExchangeFinished" listeners.
RemoveAllOnExchangeListener Remove all "OnExchange" listeners.
RemoveAllOnExchangeFinishedListener Remove all "OnExchangeFinished" listeners.
ResetToFirstOption Reset the option index to the first enabled cell position.